Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4/17/13 nature hike

While sitting on Tarantula Hill, across from our house, reading "Educating the Wholehearted Child" I got to watch Ellie and Josiah interact with nature.

On the way up we got hot, met another hiker and Ellie saw a snake slither away into the brush.

Ellie and Josiah brought their bug book and their bug catching tools.  Josiah caught a fly but when he opened his bottle to show me, it flew away!  After perusing their bug book for a bit they settled into playing soldiers until we made the trek back down the hill.

Look at this mom!

There is some more stuff growing right here - take my picture with it!

"Look, isn't it pretty?!"

Another beautiful display of God's creation

checking out the bugs

Arial view

"I'm digging for dinosaur bones."
(He was hitting an old pen with a rock)

organizing the troops

more troops in formation

playing together on the hill!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these special moments Tara. Makes me look forward to seeing you soon all the more!
