This is our third year doing a garden.
Last year it was a jungle. We let everything grow everywhere and along with everything ... grass and weeds in between plants, tomatillos getting tangled up with the cantelope. It worked for awhile but then the weeds became too much. Oh and I didn't mention that we planted in clay. Yep, our soil is hard-packed clay. Horrible for planting in!
This year we have a plan, at least my husband has a plan. We are doing raised beds with a mixture of dirt (which we have in a huge pile sitting in our driveway out front - a HUGE pile, my huz accidently ordered WAY more than we need), homegrown compost, free horse manure, bunny droppings and a mixture of stuff from the nursery. He knows what he's doing ... I'm just along for the ride!
started indoor for most of them |
one bed planted, one to go |
working on the beds in the back |
Ellie, happy to be helping! |
Josiah getting ready to help w/ the transplant!
Since these pictures was taken and this post was written we now have the two big planters full, 5 smaller boxes in the back, a bunch of stuff planted along the side of our yard and the corn has sprouted and is ready to be planted in yet another section! I'll have to take pictures again once EVERYTHING is planted - oh and we still have that pile of dirt in our driveway ...